Une journée à Paris : Théâtre en anglais et jeu de piste !
[bleu]A day with Frankenstein written by Sara, Angelina,Selda, Rosalie and Capucine
On the first of February, students from the European class (S7,S8) and from two other classes, the S1 and S2 went to Paris to see the play of Frankenstein in English ,adapted from Mary Shelley’s novel, at the Alhambra theater.

On stage, we saw four actors who played different roles such as the Monster, Elisabeth, the Professor and Dr. Frankenstein (Victor) who is not the Monster contrary to what everybody thinks.
The story begins when the Professor and his daughter are digging out a corpse, and ends up when Victor commits a suicide. The whole story talks about a scientist who has the ambition to create a perfect man.[/bleu]
[fuchia]« It was easy to understand by a French public because the actors were very expressive, almost caricatured their characters. We liked the performances of the actors who played several roles ». Gaddiel, Bilel, Amandine, Lucie.
« The play was interesting and funny, especially Igor and we liked the costumes. But we found the woman with the sausages around her neck was useless. » Shainthiya, Ashwinidevi, Vasanth, Medina
« The actors spoke slowly enough so we could follow the dialogues easily. I liked the fact that we could see the sound engineers and how they work. » Gabriel
« The play as a whole was pretty good because the actors played well, the stuff and props were cheap but good. We would recommend this play to French students aged between 12 and 16 but it requires a good level of English. We put a thumb up and 3 stars. » Tristan, Mattéo, Victor, Timéo, Louise[/fuchia]
[bleu]After the play ended, we ate in a fast food restaurant of our choice, then we were split up into different groups to play a treasure game.
We had to resolve enigmas to reach our final destination which was Place de la Concorde. During the journey, we saw the Buresnes’s Columns,
the Louvre Museum and the Jardin des Tuileries.
We all had a great time on that day.
We enjoyed going to Paris and spending time with our friends.[/bleu]